Dominican Cigars
The Dominican Republic is a country in the Caribbean and is located on the eastern half of the island of Hispaniola. The Dominican Republic borders Haiti to the west and the Caribbean Sea to the east and south, and the Atlantic Ocean to the north. The capital of the Dominican Republic is Santo Domingo.The Dominican Republic is a cigar country on almost 48,730 km².
Longfiller cigars from the Dominican Republic have developed in recent years an enormous variety of brands of excellent quality and and have placed themselves with their production at the top of the world of premium cigars - and quite rightly so! With gentle and equally strong, flavorful cigars, the small country covers a wide range of good cigars.
After the Cuban Revolution and at the latest after the U.S. embargo, many Cuban exiles settled in the Dominican Republic, who brought with them not only their great knowledge of cigar tobaccos, their cultivation and fermentation, but also the composition of the blends and the seeds. Quote Michael Kohlhase: "The know-how that once made Cuba great has long since migrated to the other countries of the Caribbean with the Cuban exiles."
Mother Nature has taken care of the right climate in the Dominican Republic: the mountains provide protection from overly violent winds, as they like to roar in the Caribbean, and the abundant clouds bring rain and protect against the hot Caribbean sun. Humidity and soil conditions are also ideal.
Cigars from the Dominican Republic are known for their smooth, mild and approachable flavor. The climate in the Dominican Republic is ideal for growing tobacco and producing cigars, resulting in a wide range of flavor profiles.
Most Dominican Republic cigars use a blend of different tobaccos from the Caribbean, particularly from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. This blend of different tobaccos results in a balanced and mild flavor profile with a pleasant complexity and a slight spiciness.
Dominican cigars often have a creamy and nutty flavor note accompanied by subtle aromas of wood, earth and leather. Some of the most well-known brands of Dominican cigars include Davidoff, Santa Damiana and Vegafina.
For smokers who prefer a mild and approachable flavor, Dominican cigars are an excellent choice. However, experienced cigar smokers also appreciate the complexity and character of these cigars.
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€17.00Incl. 19% VAT, excl. Shipping - Art.Nr.Laura Chavin Classic No. 99 Fino LargoZI-DRLC99
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€19.00Incl. 19% VAT, excl. Shipping - Art.Nr.E. P. Carillo Triumph SamplerZI-DRECTS
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€44.40Incl. 19% VAT, excl. ShippingOut of stock - Art.Nr.León Jimenes Doble Maduro LeyendaZI-DRLJ
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As low as €7.80Incl. 19% VAT, excl. Shipping - Art.Nr.San Pedro de Macoris Ecuador PerlaZI-DRSPP
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The Dominican Republic is a country in the Caribbean and is located on the eastern half of the island of Hispaniola. The Dominican Republic borders Haiti to the west and the Caribbean Sea to the east and south, and the Atlantic Ocean to the north. The capital of the Dominican Republic is Santo Domingo.The Dominican Republic is a cigar country on almost 48,730 km².
Longfiller cigars from the Dominican Republic have developed in recent years an enormous variety of brands of excellent quality and and have placed themselves with their production at the top of the world of premium cigars - and quite rightly so! With gentle and equally strong, flavorful cigars, the small country covers a wide range of good cigars.
After the Cuban Revolution and at the latest after the U.S. embargo, many Cuban exiles settled in the Dominican Republic, who brought with them not only their great knowledge of cigar tobaccos, their cultivation and fermentation, but also the composition of the blends and the seeds. Quote Michael Kohlhase: "The know-how that once made Cuba great has long since migrated to the other countries of the Caribbean with the Cuban exiles."
Mother Nature has taken care of the right climate in the Dominican Republic: the mountains provide protection from overly violent winds, as they like to roar in the Caribbean, and the abundant clouds bring rain and protect against the hot Caribbean sun. Humidity and soil conditions are also ideal.
Cigars from the Dominican Republic are known for their smooth, mild and approachable flavor. The climate in the Dominican Republic is ideal for growing tobacco and producing cigars, resulting in a wide range of flavor profiles.
Most Dominican Republic cigars use a blend of different tobaccos from the Caribbean, particularly from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. This blend of different tobaccos results in a balanced and mild flavor profile with a pleasant complexity and a slight spiciness.
Dominican cigars often have a creamy and nutty flavor note accompanied by subtle aromas of wood, earth and leather. Some of the most well-known brands of Dominican cigars include Davidoff, Santa Damiana and Vegafina.
For smokers who prefer a mild and approachable flavor, Dominican cigars are an excellent choice. However, experienced cigar smokers also appreciate the complexity and character of these cigars.